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SEO Wizard



Optimisez votre référencement naturel en un rien de temps avec notre plugin SEO Wizard, intuitif et performant.
Boostez votre visibilité en ligne dès maintenant !

Ils nous font confiance



Notre plugin WordPress SEO Wizard améliore le référencement naturel de votre site Internet.
SEO Wizard utilise l’intelligence artificielle Open AI via ChatGPT pour trouver les meilleures combinaisons possibles à partir de votre texte.



Grâce à SEO Wizard alimenté par ChatGPT, vous pouvez économiser du temps et de l’énergie en confiant les tâches complexes à notre outil automatisé.
Notre plugin WordPress est facile à utiliser et convivial, même pour les débutants, ce qui vous permet de vous concentrer sur la création de contenu de qualité et le développement de votre entreprise en ligne.


Des résultats SEO mesurables

En restant à jour avec les dernières techniques de référencement naturel et en s’adaptant aux dernières tendances de l’industrie grâce à ChatGPT, SEO Wizard vous aide à rester compétitif et pertinent dans votre secteur en ligne.

Ils nous recommandent !


” Simple d’utilisation et efficace, il m’a permis de booster mon référencement en un temps record. “

Web rank info

” En tant que débutant dans le monde du référencement, j’étais un peu perdu au départ. Mais grâce à ce plugin SEO, j’ai pu comprendre les bases et optimiser mon site facilement. “


” Je suis un professionnel du SEO et je cherchais un plugin performant pour mes clients. J’ai trouvé tout ce dont j’avais besoin avec celui-ci : des fonctionnalités avancées, une interface claire et des résultats concrets. “

Nos offres


4,99par mois
  • Limité aux articles
  • 1 titre retourné
  • 1 description retournée
  • Support personnalisé
  • Limité à 1 000 tokens


14,99par mois
  • Tous types de contenu
  • 5 titres retournés
  • 3 descriptions retournées
  • Support personnalisé
  • Jusqu'à 10 000 tokens

Vous voulez échanger ?

Usage policies

We want everyone to use our tools safely and responsibly. That’s why we've created usage policies that apply to all users of OpenAI’s models, tools, and services. By following them, you'll ensure that our technology is used for good.

If we discover that your product or usage doesn't follow these policies, we may ask you to make necessary changes. Repeated or serious violations may result in further action, including suspending or terminating your account.

Our policies may change as we learn more about use and abuse of our models.

Platform policy

Our API is being used to power businesses across many sectors and technology platforms. From iOS Apps to websites to Slack, the simplicity of our API makes it possible to integrate into a wide array of use cases. Subject to the use case restrictions mentioned below, we allow the integration of our API into products on all major technology platforms, app stores, and beyond.

Disallowed usage

We don’t allow the use of our models for the following:

Illegal activity


Child Sexual Abuse Material or any content that exploits or harms children


Generation of hateful, harassing, or violent content




Generation of malware


Activity that has high risk of physical harm





Activity that has high risk of economic harm





Fraudulent or deceptive activity









Adult content, adult industries, and dating apps




Political campaigning or lobbying





Activity that violates people’s privacy






Engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, or offering tailored legal advice without a qualified person reviewing the information


Offering tailored financial advice without a qualified person reviewing the information


Telling someone that they have or do not have a certain health condition, or providing instructions on how to cure or treat a health condition



High risk government decision-making



We have further requirements for certain uses of our models:

  1. Consumer-facing uses of our models in medical, financial, and legal industries; in news generation or news summarization; and where else warranted, must provide a disclaimer to users informing them that AI is being used and of its potential limitations.
  2. Automated systems (including conversational AI and chatbots) must disclose to users that they are interacting with an AI system. With the exception of chatbots that depict historical public figures, products that simulate another person must either have that person's explicit consent or be clearly labeled as "simulated" or "parody."
  3. Use of model outputs in livestreams, demonstrations, and research are subject to our Sharing & Publication Policy.

You can use our free moderation endpoint and safety best practices to help you keep your app safe.

Usage policies

We want everyone to use our tools safely and responsibly. That’s why we've created usage policies that apply to all users of OpenAI’s models, tools, and services. By following them, you'll ensure that our technology is used for good.

If we discover that your product or usage doesn't follow these policies, we may ask you to make necessary changes. Repeated or serious violations may result in further action, including suspending or terminating your account.

Our policies may change as we learn more about use and abuse of our models.

Platform policy

Our API is being used to power businesses across many sectors and technology platforms. From iOS Apps to websites to Slack, the simplicity of our API makes it possible to integrate into a wide array of use cases. Subject to the use case restrictions mentioned below, we allow the integration of our API into products on all major technology platforms, app stores, and beyond.

Disallowed usage

We don’t allow the use of our models for the following:

Illegal activity


Child Sexual Abuse Material or any content that exploits or harms children


Generation of hateful, harassing, or violent content




Generation of malware


Activity that has high risk of physical harm





Activity that has high risk of economic harm





Fraudulent or deceptive activity









Adult content, adult industries, and dating apps




Political campaigning or lobbying





Activity that violates people’s privacy






Engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, or offering tailored legal advice without a qualified person reviewing the information


Offering tailored financial advice without a qualified person reviewing the information


Telling someone that they have or do not have a certain health condition, or providing instructions on how to cure or treat a health condition



High risk government decision-making



We have further requirements for certain uses of our models:

  1. Consumer-facing uses of our models in medical, financial, and legal industries; in news generation or news summarization; and where else warranted, must provide a disclaimer to users informing them that AI is being used and of its potential limitations.
  2. Automated systems (including conversational AI and chatbots) must disclose to users that they are interacting with an AI system. With the exception of chatbots that depict historical public figures, products that simulate another person must either have that person's explicit consent or be clearly labeled as "simulated" or "parody."
  3. Use of model outputs in livestreams, demonstrations, and research are subject to our Sharing & Publication Policy.

You can use our free moderation endpoint and safety best practices to help you keep your app safe.